The sad stories from programmers in the world
Do you know coders stories? Do you know how they live every day? Applications you are using do you wonder who created them and where he is?
What is the best PHP framework for web development?
This a common question we hear when it comes to development. One side for frameworks, and the other against. Here is an answer.
Mistakes which could kill your app in time
There are some errors and bugs we might not notice/discover while coding in earlier ages of our applications
You might be learning PHP the wrong way
Tutorials on many websites like phpocean, SitePoint, etc. are usually meant for a specific audience with a specific need. Hardly you see full tutorials explaining how/what PHP is in details.
The 3 learning chambers in PHP
Becoming a great programmer is never an easy task, even in easy-to-access programming languages like PHP.
8 cool features to come in PHP 7.1
Programming is fun and enjoyable and when a programming language makes development easy, coding becomes love.
Companies-jobs, my skills, the big problem
You've spent years in school or training centers. It's time to make use of your new skills and get some return of investment...
Too many ways to build a website nowadays
In many occasions, people ask me how I build my websites? How do I start them? what do I use as tools and what influences my choices? etc. These are complex questions even for the best web developer, simply because it's like asking a mason to explain tools and facilities he uses to build houses.
Are you planning to have a website one day?
So you also want to have a website? Do you know there are more than 1 billion websites in this world?
Why you need to move from windows to Linux?
If you've been using windows OS for long now and would like to start enjoying some virus-free Operating System, stability, free software, here is probably a time to switch to Linux.