All results for slim
Workouts with Slim 3
Slim is a light-weight framework that can be used to develop websites and HTTP APIs of any type, and of any size.
Workouts with Slim 3 - Part 2: Your first application
With this it could just take you some few hours to have a simple website done. In the next part we will be talking more about the routing.
Workouts with Slim 3 - Part 3: Routing
Today I will be taking you through how to use routes and what are their main characteristics.
Workouts with Slim 3 - part 4: DIC and Views
Learn how to use Slim 3 Dependency Injection Container(DIC or simply DI)
Workouts with Slim 3: create a simple website
This is to show you how you can easily create a full static website with Slim 3.
Workouts with Slim 3 - part 5- Action controllers
Hi, welcome to the fifth part of this series on Slim 3 micro framework. In this part we will see how it's possible to use Slim's **Callable Resolver Class(CRC)** to handle our routing.
Workouts with Slim 3:Database with PDO and Eloquent
Databases become a must for your applications every time you need to persist some data. People build most modern applications in this architecture.