PHP Frameworking - Introduction (Part 1)

By Matej Sima

Welcome to PHP Frameworking tutorial, I assume you already have basic object-oriented programming knowledge to start with. Internet is full of awesome things, those things are often not so amazing to build or maintain. Yes, those things are web applications (web sites), most of us use them, but very few of us make a living creating them, and for those very few who spend hours programming every day (or want to), this tutorial exists, and will teach you how to simplify building/maintaining your websites. Enough chattering, let's get to the point!

What is a framework?

Framework can be a solid platform to build on, basically set of libraries (code written by someone else, not you.. or even you!) to help you rocket start, your programing proccesses. Building websites requires huge amount of the same things to be done all over again. Creating folder structure, connecting to database, controlling user actions or displaying output to users. There's a lot of different frameworks out there, we'll learn how to build our own, in order to understand how it all works together.

Folder structure

Each project needs a proper folder layout, in order to keep our projects easily maintainable, it's a good practice to stabilize their folder structure. Our framework will have the following structure:

  • core/
  • controllers/
  • models/
  • views/
  • libs
    • services/
    • helpers/
  • vendor
  • public/
    • assets/
    • index.php

We're most probably going to alter it a bit, based on our needs during the tutorial. As you may have noticed, we are going to apply MVC pattern (Model-View-Controller) to our project, it'll be covered by those folders: controllers, models, views.

Folder libs will contain other useful code, separated into different categories, such as helpers, which help us with presentation logic, or services which we can re-use across our application for different tasks. Folder vendor will contain any 3rd party libraries we will use, those will be installed using composer, which is a package manager, I'll keep that for later. Folder public will be root of your applications, containing our main file to run (index.php), keeping assets folder accessible by browser. At last but not least, core folder to keep our framework files.

What is Model-View-Controller?

It's a common way to structurize software, a pattern, enabling developers to adapt easily when switching between projects. There are several different patterns as well, but MVC is most probably the most common across today's web apps.

Let's code

To start let's create public/ folder, and public/index.php file in it.



echo "Hello from my site!";

We can start a local server from public/ if we are on linux/osx machine:

$ php -S localhost:8080

And we have a live site running on http://localhost:8080. Easy right? Now let's get to the tricky part. As mentioned before we'll stick with MVC pattern to keep our project easy-to-maintain later on. In order to meet that requirement, we should not call "echo" from index.php, but we should create a file in views folder to hold displayable data.


<p>Hello from my site!</p>

In order to display our view, let's use the following code.




That's it, we've separated display data to the place where it should be, now let's get rid of direct "require" call by creating a classes to handle displaying views.



class ViewLoader{

    public function __construct($path){
        $this->path = $path;

    public function load($viewName){
        if( file_exists($this->path.$viewName) ){
            return file_get_contents($this->path.$viewName);
        throw new Exception("View does not exist: ".$this->path.$viewName);



class View{

    public function __construct($viewLoader){
        $this->viewLoader = $viewLoader;

    public function display($viewName){
        echo $this->viewLoader->load($viewName);

Now we have two classes, ViewLoader to handle view file loading, and View class to be used publicly for view loading. Let's apply them:




$viewPath = __DIR__.'/../views/';

$viewLoader = new ViewLoader($viewPath);
$view = new View($viewLoader);


First we load in our core libraries, ViewLoader and View classes. Then we declare path to views folder. Next we create instance of ViewLoader, passing views folder path as constructor parameter, then we pass ViewLoader's instance to View constructor, so our View instance will know how to load view files properly. Then we can call $view->display(viewName); in order to display our previously created hello.php view!

Thanks for reading

In next tutorial we'll continue building up our framework, stay tuned. You can find me on Facebook or Twitter. Don't be afraid to contact me if you have any comments, or questions!

Click to read Part 2 - Routing & Autoloading & Configuration

Last updated 2024-01-11 UTC