All results for software
The full story behind the new version of ITutorage
ITutorage is getting a new face. Behind that face reside many decisions and a web development experience. I would like to share with you the little experience and process we used to complete the work.
Why are employees scared of software in Africa
recently a problem was detected in Africa where employees may be going against the integration of softwares in companies.
You can't remain software developer forever
One big problem I have with programming is that it becomes harder and more complicated as we grow old. New technologies tend to submerge us, and age seems to sink us in memory lack and darkness.
Is coding for money a mistake?
Working for a company can be a boon for some and a calvary for others. These are nine good characteristics of most developers and those are the first rights you loose wherever you start working for a company.
Don't fear the dev
It's just amazing to notice that so many people are still afraid of us, developers. When a client manages to order a service from you and decides to hide expecting you to just bring it and deliver, know that he's running from you for some of these reasons.
Clients think you are difficult
The difficulty he's talking about is not directed to us but to the tech field. It's challenging to set up and online business or to have a business which runs with technologies.
Why startups are struggling to pay developers
A note on the consistency of developers salary and why it's important for companies to be explicit in their job offers to reach the right skills.
Why don't African devs and startups like collabs?
It's weird to see that many of us still don't understand that we can't make it alone. Collaboration is the way forward.
Why should you learn touch typing as a software engineer?
I use to think that typing is a total waste of time. Besides, I use to believe that as a software developer, we tend to think more than we type. We think for a long period of time, and we write just a little bit.
DevCongress V9 just took place - here is what you should know
DevCongress is one of the greatest tech events in Ghana. Its community has grown from just a few people to a community of thousands of participants.
5 toughest questions from self-taught developers and their answers
How much or how long should I learn something? Am I doing the right thing? and what is considered as the right thing anyway?
6 reasons why you should blog as a software developer
As a software developer and a blogger, I would advice every developer starts a simple journal of their own journey today. Here are my reasons...
Learn a bit of offline coding
...the types of skills needed for that are so different from copying another guy’s solution from Stack Overflow and changing it to your needs.
The dying portfolio of the web dev
Your portfolio is an important piece of information which serves as your back up. Most employers and customers will try to find it before you even get to interact with them.
8 Productivity hacks for Software Engineers
You need to come up with solutions that could help you do much more work even in a short period of a lifetime.
5 Quick Considerations to build strong software
Strong software does what it is meant to do. Strong software never breaks once in use and reacts less even if its environment chacks a bit. Strong software is maintainable, extensible, and scalable.
This is why you need collaborations
So how come collaborating has become a huge barrier? Why is it that engineers and other experts in various fields find it so difficult to mingle and solve problems in Africa?
Developers Experienced & Users Experience. Because software development is usually a profession motivated by passion, we tend to think that it's an easy way of working.
I don't want you to be a good developer
Technology, as we know it today, is been a long-run hard work and contributions from dozens of generations.
Pay the price to know - not always financially
If I had the opportunity to meet one single mate who could talk to me and exchange ideas on the software development atmosphere, that would have helped me considerably.
Six figures Salary(US$), work at Google and Amazon, maybe not for you
Many people out there work harder than you could imagine. They put in an amazing amount of determination and consistency, but their system cripples them every day.
The software development practitioner attitude
The person who would like to give you their money or opportunity would always make sure you have the required intellectual caliber
Quality and poverty
How many of us have plans in our drawers right now. Some of us have started to plan to leave those dreams
Why software developers leave you
Ask yourself this. If a mobile application is built at USD100k in the USA or France, would I expect the same results if I pay USD1000 in Africa or India?
4 Ways PRAYERS help me to be HEALTHY as a Software Developer
It's in software development you realize that even a simple headache can hinder your life
3 Criteria to get you hired as a programmer
People who hire you will always pay attention to your human side. Then, they will look at your programming side.
Web(software) Development will become obsolete soon
Over time, the few people interested in code will write it and barely earn from it.
4 Considerations to build strong software
Strong software does what it's meant to do. Strong software never breaks once in use and reacts less even its environment undergoes minor changes.
11 Skills Developers Need That Have Nothing to Do with Code
11 Skills, Mindsets, and Attitudes That Make You a Better Developer Beyond Code