Clients think you are difficult

The other time I met a client who needed an update on his website. We met at a cafe near my place. The client came with his partner in the business. Before we started, the partner looked at me then smiled. And he was like: you developers are difficult

I didn't hesitate to ask him the reason he was saying that. His reply was simply: look at all this...

This answer said it all and has its origins in the starting of the project. Their website is an NGO and back then around October - November 2017 I created the website for them. It took me about a month. During that time we had to be meeting, calling, emailing, whatsapping, texting. All the time we are in the position of you have to do this or you can't do that... Where they were expecting something to be done without their involvement, they ended up being the ones to do most of the work. When they were expecting the job to be done in a day, it turned out to be a matter of months.

As an NGO, they planned to have the capability of receiving donations from the website. That is the most challenging part of the whole job. They didn't want to use PayPal. Most solutions we have in Ghana like Hubtel can only process locally issued cards. They needed a gateway that can process Visa, MasterCard, Discovery, etc. I couldn't help them with the API. So I asked them to go and look for him from the banks. They've been in the rounds until recently they got it. Basically, through these ups and downs, they've had the opportunity to meet many people in tech. Mind you that was their first investment/business in the tech.

The difficulty he's talking about is not directed at us but to the tech field. It's challenging to set up and online business or to have a business which runs with technologies.

The other aspect of his statement is that working with developers is quite challenging. To meet us is difficult. We charge for every little thing(according to them lol). It's hard to understand what we want. Nothing goes lightly with us. But, as I said, technology is difficult. Whoever is in charge may look difficult as well.

As a developer, I do perfectly agree with that. We are difficult even among ourselves. It's hard to get along with other developers. We are the only ones who can understand each other, and hardly we want to meet each other. Collaboration with programmers is always a challenge.

I also admit that, with this, we still don't have great means to collaborate with the clients. Ideal solution to help them understand what we want.