Learn good web design habits with TWWWE

Here I am talking of www.theworldsworstwebsiteever.com

This is a working site. wow, the text and images are animated too! Colors are sharp too and catchy! not bad, not bad. That might be what some of you are saying.

Yes, and let me tell you, this is The World's Worst Website Ever. And, today I would like you to learn something from a useless website ever.

When you are creating a website there are some practices you need to avoid by all means. Some of these practices are outdated, harmful, and most don't allow a good user experience. Some are not good for your resources management, and some are not good for security reasons, etc.

TWWWE is a website typically built with all those bad practices. Actually, if you were wondering what it looks like to use those bad habits, just look at the website, everything you see there is exactly what it gives.

You might not be able to detect or really see what is wrong with it (This is if you are really lost in this field). The site has a list of what is actually wrong with it here: www.theworldsworstwebsiteever.com/new_page_1.htm

Those are actually things you need to consider for your next project.