Learn PHP by its makers

When it comes to PHP community we have some people, organizations, and companies you really need to know about, not because they are celebrities, but simply because their contribution to the PHP world is very considerable.

But, they all didn't do the same thing or at the same time. I, therefore, consider that by knowing those people and what exactly they've done for the PHP world, it could help anyone have a learning curve, or it can help you sharpen your knowledge of PHP. It's also an eventual opportunity to understand what exactly is PHP made of and how the whole stuff is structured.

Here I have tried to pick as many as possible I could, from books writers, documentation writers, tutors, observers to core developers, etc. They are of all categories and some making endless work from very long time to help many people in this world to take advantage of the opportunities of PHP. This will help you to understand/discover by their did what exactly exists or is possible in PHP.

Note I have no connection to anyone them(I am too little for that. Ahahaha), so all the information I have on each either picked from their twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn accounts, and other information sources like Google or their websites. I am expecting you to visit those sources for more about them.

In the Beginning

1. Rasmus Lerdorf

Rasmus Lerdorf

The first person in this list the man who started PHP from the ground up in 1995 (I was starting school then. Ahaha).

- What to know about him?

Rasmus Lerdorf is known for having gotten the PHP project off the ground in 1995 and has contributed to a number of other open source projects over the years. He was an infrastructure architect at Yahoo! for more than 7 years and joined Etsy in 2012. He was born in Greenland, grew up in Denmark and Canada and has a Systems Design engineering degree from the University of Waterloo.

He is aware of everything PHP. So from his feeds you will know what's is up to date and what's is going on.

  • From: Danmark, Canada

- Where to find him:

Twitter: @rasmus

LinkedIn: /rlerdorf

GooglePlus: plus.google.com/113641248237520845183

Website: www.toys.lerdorf.com

2. Andi Gutmans

Andi Gutmans

Andi Gutmans Helped rewrites PHP Version 3 in 1997, and from then became a full part actor in PHP world. He also Co-Founded Zend Technologies.

- What to know about him?

PHP Co-Architect, Dad of 3, Photography, Gourmet Coffee. I am a multidisciplinary, customer-focused executive leader with a passion for value innovation. I thrive on customer facing activities differentiating the interaction with strong market landscape expertise and product and technology depth...

  • From: Israel

- Where to find him:

Twitter: @andigutmans

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andigutmans

GooglePlus: plus.google.com/117836180966978921899

Website: andigutmans.com

3. Zeev Suraski

Zeev Suraski

Zeev Suraski teamed up with Andi, and Rasmus to co-create PHP back then. He co-founded Zend Technologies with Andi Gutmans who is actually the CTO.

- What to know about him?

Dad of three adorable daughters, Co-Architect of PHP, CTO & Co-founder of Zend, Hummus & spicy food fanatic, Photography geek & worried ME inhabitant.

  • From: Israel

- Where to find him:

Twitter: @zeevs

LinkedIn: in/zeevsuraski

GooglePlus: plus.google.com/115327270109242540710

Other giants who are making PHP fun

4. Josh Lockhart

Josh Lockhart

The author of Modern PHP. Creator of the Slim Framework and PHP The Right Way. Developer at New Media Campaigns.

- Where to find him:

Twitter: @codeguy

GitHub: github.com/codeguy

Blog: joshlockhart.com

5. Phil Sturgeon

Phil Sturgeon

A software engineer well known on the web for his multiple works. He Contributes to the PHP-FIG, The League of Extraordinary Packages, PHP The Right Way, CodeIgniter FuelPHP, PyroCMS and a bunch of other stuff. He is also the author of Build APIs You Won't Hate. He also contributes a lot to PHP Town Hall.

- Where to find him:

Twitter: @philsturgeon

GitHub: github.com/philsturgeon

Blog: philsturgeon.uk

6. Taylor Otwell

Taylor Otwell

Web Developer. Created of Laravel, Lumen, Forge, and Envoyer. An empire of beautiful coding.

- Where to find him:

Twitter: @codeguy

GitHub: github.com/taylorotwell

Blog: taylorotwell.com/

7. Cal Evans

Cal Evans

Very well known for his speeches in multiple conferences. He is the man behind nomadphp.com, nomadJavascript.com, and daycamp4developers.com. Also wrote many books on PHP: Iterating PHP Iterators, Culture of Respect, Signaling PHP, Going Pro

Not looking to change the world, I just want you be a better developer. -Cal Evans

- Where to find him:

Twitter: @calevans

GitHub: github.com/calevans

Blog: blog.calevans.com/

8. Rob Allen

Rob Allen

Rob is a PHP and Zend Framework expert. He is the author of Zend Framework in Action. He has done a lot of work on Slim framework recently.

- Where to find him:

Twitter: @akrabat

GitHub: github.com/akrabat

Blog: akrabat.com

9. Fabien Potencier

Fabien Potencier

He founded blackfireio, co-founder SensioLabs, and founder and project lead of Symfony the mother of many modern frameworks.

- Where to find him:

Twitter: @fabpot

GitHub: github.com/fabpot

Blog: fabien.potencier.org

10. Vincent Pontier aka Elroubio

Vincent Pontier

The creator of the original elePHPant logo. The PHP mascot is one of the wonderful things in the community worldwide. Read an interview here with Vincent to understand the reason for this elePHPant as a PHP logo.

Bottom line

You will probably tell me that I omitted the most important ones, yes it's probable. The community is great and huge. One of the best. But I believe that these few will be a great starting point to discover more. Following are some links you might also want to visit in order to discover more about PHP and its community: