Web(software) Development will become obsolete soon

I use to think and believe that the field of web development and software development, in general, will not suffer any deterioration even in the next millennia.

Recent events in my life have led me to view the world and my career from a different angle. As I was at the edge of my end, I started summarizing what I have done so far and what I wanted to do, and what I may not be able to complete. And if that was the case, could I transmit it to the next generation.

These questions led me to realize that I did not achieve much as I wanted. I might be at fault for not being able to sell myself properly or I might have not used my time adequately. One thing is sure, I was left with the sentiment of dissatisfaction with my career and hence a total lack of interest in transmitting the same struggle to the next generation. And that's the first reason that will obsolete this career of the developer.

More and more developers are losing interest in the field for lack of satisfaction. I don't have any numbers on this nor do I have any specific reference. It's based on my experience, observations, and opinion.

In recent years, more people joined the field making the competition tougher. More tools have been developed over time to allow non-programmers to come up with websites or applications without writing a line of code, killing the price. Over time, there will be more need for applications and more code with fewer people with an interest in writing code. The few people interested in code will write it and barely earn from it. Writing code will become like writing English today, you only write it to communicate not necessarily to earn. Parents will not like to teach programming to their children and children would not like to inherit their parents' work.

Before the COVID event, there was a huge interest in innovative tech companies and these companies were easing globalization, making the world smaller and smaller. That was good for software developers and was satisfying the following generations that were joining the field. COVID events broke the whole process leaving people disappointed in investing, learning, or having ambitions to start up businesses.

Then, the crypto events have also come to disrupt the financial system creating an imbalance in money possessions. Now we are undergoing a period of distress in all countries and developers are left with no opportunities because people are less active. People's focus is less and less on technology, and this diminishes the market power and the desire for people to go into technology. I remember a friend calling me, all worried about his child who wants to major in computer science. He was not happy about it because he feels that the field is less lucrative nowadays. Another example is that if almost all manufacturing business is moved to China, most people in other countries will develop less interest in engineering. And such a situation affects engineers like ourselves. The big tech companies are developing more and more standard solutions which do not require human beings' intervention anymore. Many products in the market today are automatically manufactured without any human intervention.

Basically, developers are busy producing codes and storing them. At some point, there will be less to code, and more to debug... And then one day, there will be nothing to debug. Machines and AI will be in charge of that job. And they will be telling us the stories of the humans who use the write code. Surely, some of us will have our heads hanging in the museums of the NFTs.