11 Skills Developers Need That Have Nothing to Do with Code
11 Skills, Mindsets, and Attitudes That Make You a Better Developer Beyond Code
4 Considerations to build strong software
Strong software does what it's meant to do. Strong software never breaks once in use and reacts less even its environment undergoes minor changes.
4 actions I would take if I were beginning my developer career today
Keep a clean record of every single project you work on, These can be a personal or professional project or even a school assignment. Every single thing
5 Lessons I Learned Finding Partners/Co-founders for My Projects
Finding the right partners or co-founders is a crucial step in the success of any project. Selecting individuals who genuinely believe in your project's vision and objectives is paramount.
Free is expensive - My entrepreneurial journey
Many open source packages/projects die off due to lack of support. It's about offering a solution and having a financial reward.
On my way to my first startup
As a software developer, graphic designer, with an experience with working with many people offer many years, I thought this stage would have been a breeze
What I learned Cargo-culting eBay and Google - Product development
What I learned copying eBay, Google, and Shopify
True difficulties to maintain a website(SaaS)
It's easier to build an application, no matter its size, than maintaining it.
When Artificial Intelligence Meets CRM: My Perspective
Embracing the Future: How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing CRM
Le monde merveilleux de l'IA : état actuel et potentiel futur
L'IA a fait des progrès impressionnants dans de nombreux domaines, allant des voitures autonomes et des assistants vocaux à la santé et à la recherche scientifique