A takeover of PHP Closure and anonymous functions
An anonymous function is a nameless function. A closure is a variable containing an anonymous function: Closures and anonymous are something I found hard to learn in the whole PHP ecosystem...
Workouts with Slim 3: create a simple website
This is to show you how you can easily create a full static website with Slim 3.
Workouts with Slim 3 - part 4: DIC and Views
Learn how to use Slim 3 Dependency Injection Container(DIC or simply DI)
Workouts with Slim 3 - Part 3: Routing
Today I will be taking you through how to use routes and what are their main characteristics.
Workouts with Slim 3 - Part 2: Your first application
With this it could just take you some few hours to have a simple website done. In the next part we will be talking more about the routing.
Workouts with Slim 3
Slim is a light-weight framework that can be used to develop websites and HTTP APIs of any type, and of any size.
Understand and use functions in PHP: Part 2
One of the main advantages of functions is to help us cut the big problem(entire software) into little ones, which can easily be maintained.
Make your first CRUD with PHP - Part 4: Read, Update and Delete
Today we're going to see how we can READ, UPDATE, and DELETE data with PHP and MYSQL. And the previous part we saw how we could create new entries
Understand and use functions in PHP
Likewise in any programming language functions are fully part of the PHP programming language. It help access core actions of the language and also to extend it easily. And the real power of a programming language comes from its functions.
Make your first CRUD with PHP - Part 3: CREATE
In most cases applications are meant to treat/process data. No matter the data the application processes or no matter how it does it, there are some common points any application considers: the data input phase, processing phase, and an output phase.