Introduction to graphic design

Course by zooboole,

Last Updated on 2023-08-09 22:41:54

What else have we learned?

In the previous lesson, we learned nine fundamentals rules that help us to be realistic in our designs. Through that exercise, we also met some other elements that are fundamental to how we design. The other things we discovered are:

1. The workspace or work environment

The work environment is primordial to any design. It's the artist's setup and configuration. It helps us to achieve our goals in the best comfort possible.

2. Tools

The tools are the actual things used in designing. They come in various forms with various purposes. Their natural and combinational use can make us create from simple to very sophisticated designs. Some of these tools we used were pencils, colors, rulers, and erasers. Digital design software such as Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator provides much more tooling set to help any artist to achieve their fullest potential.

3. The Canvas

The canvas in the actual paper, frame, or the virtual space on which the drawing is made. In traditional design, it's usually limited to a fixed dimension for every artwork. In digital design, we have the capability to change it to any dimension, even after the design is done.

4. The composition

It's the whole of the various parts and elements combined during the design process. The composition is the final result we get after we design. Elements are put together to compose the artwork. The composition is a whole different science that affects the success of every design. To have good taste or rules to make good composition is something every designer must learn.

5. Properties & Options

The properties and options are additional functions and behavior that come with most tools we use to design. One must learn to know how to twist their tools to reach special and more personal results in their design process.