6 other things you gain from your clients that aren't money

I love to talk a lot about my experience with clients. But I noticed with my recent post that many people thought I hate clients or I am actually trying to prevent people from looking for some. It's simply not right. Someone asked me why would I call my clients clueless. To be honest this term was not used to insult but to represent the state of a client(person) who is finding it hard to figure out how to come up with some content. I love clients because they have a lot to give us. Even aside from the money. The proof is I learned everything that I share with you here from them. And that will take us straight to my today's topic.

Today I will be talking of other benefits you can have from your clients of all types which are not necessarily money. One thing I used to tell my people is no client is really bad. It's a principle of life. In anything, there are always two sides. You feel more pain when you focus on only one.

If you start to learn how to take out the good sides of every situation with your clients, you will notice in time that you are getting mature and experienced. In fact, that's usually what we call experience, and this is going to be the first benefit we'll be talking about.

1. Experience

Un-arguably the most important benefit one could gain from clients. Experience is defined as your level of awareness about a topic or a situation. When you do something often you tend to become very familiar with it to the extent that repeating the same thing is no more difficult. When you work with people, it improves your experience level in many ways:

  • Your profession. You become better by doing your job more often.
  • Human relations. You understand more and more how people behave.
  • The client's job sector. By understanding the client's project.
  • New horizons of knowledge. Through the research you do.

2. Reputation

Clients always talk about guys who do things(well) for them. Winning a client is like winning two at least. I recently helped a friend with the website that I built for him. The next week I was called by one of his friends for two other websites. Now imagine where it could reach in time.

3. A friend

Every client you meet in this life is a friend. Be good with your clients and you will see how your contact book will grow fat. Today they might be your clients. They need something from you. But, tomorrow you might become their client. Imagine you build a website or whatever app it's for an event management firm. You did so well that the guys like you. The following month is your birthday, and you're going to celebrate it. Who are you going to call? You understand what I mean.

Clients are people, not clients.

4. Self-Confidence

You are good, you are doing great. In time you start to realize how good you can be. You start to gain some confidence(esteem) in yourself which is a great catalyst for creativity.

5. A teacher

Your experience is always defined based on the people you meet and the challenges you overcome together. Sometimes I meet clients who I see as a father, brother, uncle, or even a partner. People will give you opportunities just because they want to come to your rescue. And when you exchange with them you learn so many things in this life. That's why I always loved talking to my clients.

6. You know

They confirm that you know something. This may sound irrelevant to many, but actually, it's an index that shows whether you are able to do something or not. Clients let you understand if you're good at something or not. The proof of how important that can be is the LinkedIn skills endorsement function.

Bottom Line

Is that all? No, of course. These are a few of the unlimited benefits you could enjoy when you listen to your client's signs. The experience client/developer is a serious matter, especially for freelancers. One thing I need you to always remember is the client is a human like you. It's an ordinary person like any other with a need.

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