Secrets developers never tell anyone, even to mom

Welcome to this post. Since it's my first article in 2019, I would like to wish you a wonderful new year. I consider this year as the year of the developers. Many companies have adopted technologies for their core services. Others are working hard to follow the example. The trust in technologies was strong last year, and it will be stronger this year. This places us at the heart of core business decisions and strategies. For that reason, I would like to share with you and with our prospective employers a few things that characterize most developers.

It takes a developer to understand a developer.

- All the time they are thinking of something

There is no specific time to think. The brain runs every time. Usually, people think that developers' ideas come in the office. Before we write a line of code, we had already thought of it hours or even days before. So, to meet immediate needs we always have to be thinking all the time, even for future situations.

- Always have a challenge

It's not possible to see a developer who is not running to get something done. There is always a project under the hood to finish. Even when we are playing or chatting with people we still think about it.

- Always have a problem to solve

Besides to constant challenges, we always have these tiny tasks here and there to fix. There is no time to be bored.

- Sometimes you notice we had a challenge after we find the solution to it

If you live with a developer you would notice that he/she exclaims joy from time to time and you don't understand the reason. It's simple. They have found the solution to a problem that they have been thinking of for a while.

- Syntax, warning, and undefined errors can make us very sad

Yeah. These are funny terms, but, they represent the simplest and most occurring error classes in programming. Mostly they will prevent your code from running. Meaning they are taking the joy of you seeing the result of your hard work. They are part of confusions in programming.

- Can carry a problem for days

It's almost impossible to make a developer give up. We value pride a lot(wink). We are always challenging our mind to do more. Until you get to the end, you haven't done anything.

- There is no way to explain our problems to normal people

Well, I supposed you might not get all I am talking about here if you have no idea of what programming is. That's exactly what I mean here.

- Not solving a little code issue(even missing a coma) make them feel dumb

There are so many things in coding that seem so simple to do, but when you face those and they don't respond as expected you start to question your skills and your potential. Although it's normal, it's worth mentioning it here.

- They are self-satisfied and self-reliant.

This is probably one of our best qualities. A working code provides more joy than a salary(wink). It's true. Most developers have so much joy earned from their code. It's one of the motivations that help us to remain in the field while it looks crazy to other people. As a result, we tend to develop the potential of being self-reliant.

Those are few I wanted to talk about today. If you have any, kindly feel free to add it in the comments section below.

If you work with developers, or you have them as your partners, it's important you consider those aspects of their life. There are not to be treated like eggs though, but you would be able to understand them when they seem to be wasting time or the look like super-heroes.