Companies-jobs, my skills, the big problem

With the recent progress of the Internet, many people want to acquire more modern skills in order to take advantage of it. The Internet is indeed full of almost all types of resources that anyone would need for almost any type of activity.

In the last three decades, most companies and people have fully migrated their business orientation to the Internet. The number of jobs posted on the Internet and Internet-based jobs have been growing rampant. This is probably not the end of the situation. The culture is going to keep on increasing.

With such a tendency, a lot of competence is required on the Internet. And many people have seen their chances shine online. Everyone is now looking for ways and means to acquire more talent in most technologies to start enjoying the Internet.

Here I am addressing this message to those who are interested in the field of web development and web designing and would like to quickly start something in it or get job opportunities as fast as possible. This is probably going to help in any other fields too.

The problem I've noticed with most people is that they want to become professionals and experienced web developers and designers in less time. This isn't a bad idea. You've spent years in school or training centers. It's time to make use of your new skills and get some return on investment. But, what you have to know is that the world needs results, and you need to provide them. And that isn't an easy or one-day task.

On the way to job freedom

There is a big cyclic issue between money, education, and jobs which is always killing us:

  • Everyone needs money to live
  • You need to work(a job) before you make money
  • Companies require your experience after education before they employ you
  • You need to work before you get an experience
  • You need money for education

At the end you find yourself trapped in between, how do I go to school for skills if I don't have money?. How do I get money if I can't work because I need experience?. How do I get experience if I am not trained and employed?

Unfortunately, that's the issue killing society for centuries now. No one is ready to take a novice and let him become a guru, then he will leave him for those who are waiting/looking for experienced people. That's actually my concern.

In such a situation what do you do? Where to start from? Before I answer these questions, let me tell you what I think companies could consider before employing you. That's what I would consider if would employ someone:

  • Good morality

    It's really important to me how you talk to people, relatives or strangers, etc. How do you react when you are angry?. Do you know how to make up with people after quarrels? How do you react when people go against your ideas? Are you a natural type of person or one who can fake his nature?

  • Motivation and passion

    This is essentially the main key of all. This is the criteria I could see in you and get interested. Because you are going to a company to serve its philosophy. I would like you to be first in love with that job before we talk about employment. I love it when you love your work, not the company.

  • Leadership skills

    In here I won't really mind if you are not a guru in management, but it's important for me to know how you manage your timetables, business assets, and facilities, how you behave toward clients. How you handle our products and services. Moreover, it's important for me to know if you are conscious a company.

  • Health and location

    It's important to know where you are and how healthy you are. This helps determine your availability.

  • What do you already know about the company?

    It's crucial you learn about the company you are willing to work in, not just to see how nice the company is, but also to make sure it fits you. When you are at a place you love, your motivation goes high. So, I would like you to know a bit about my company and its business before even sending your CV.

    With these five points, we could start talking about the job. This is a personal perspective. Each company has its policies and methods of getting the people they need. Note I didn't mention certificates. This isn't an important criterion to me. What you know or can do matters a lot to me. I prioritize results than any other thing. But, don't mistake. There are jobs where your papers matter a lot. Papers the only way to prove your experience.

What do you do and where to start?

Learn very hard. The mistake most of us in such situations make is that we focus more on having a position than having a duty. A job is not some title. It's a duty you have to satisfy, and in order to accomplish a duty, you need to have the skills to do it. So, I think if you just completed school, focus on working on yourself before you go to companies. Train a lot from personal projects. Work with friends and relatives. Do a lot of favors. Give out more than you can receive. That will help you have an overview of what the real work is. The experience companies ask is not necessary if you've worked for another company, but it's mostly what you've achieved so far.

Today, the Internet allows you to learn almost anything you want for free. Do not be lazy. Real/serious companies will always require your real skills, not your papers or your relationship with the boss.

Create personal projects, and use them to improve your skills. At each level make sure you've really gained something new to top up what you already have.

Since I am talking about how you could quickly get ready in web development and designing faster, let me list some of the things you should do that could help you in that:

  • Take some time - about a week - to read only about what the internet is and how it works,
  • Take another time to understand how websites are made up, and how they really work,
  • Next, take some other time to try yourself with HTML. Create little web pages/websites with only HTML,
  • After that read on CSS. Combine your HTML skills to the ones of CSS,
  • Search about the difference between web designing and web development, think of the one you think you love and can perform well in it,
  • Try now creating a website you've been dreaming of. If you noticed there is something you can't do or don't know how to do it, then that's the next thing you should learn. Keep it up.

Honestly, this isn't an easy task. I believe the only way to make things easier to work harder. People will never take you if you are not good enough. After this hard work on yourself, people will easily consider you. The key here is to take some time to get out of the dark side.

Bottom line

Hope this helps you to understand that getting yourself better now is the key to quickly go. No superficial knowledge can save you. Take every little opportunity to grow your brain. The Internet is very volatile. Skills quickly get deprecated. The faster you go the better you will get.

Another thing I want you to always consider is not to think that you always have to work for someone or a company. The Internet gives the same chances to everyone. Try things by yourself.

This is what I think you can do today. If you liked it please share and comment under it. Thanks for reading.

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