Web Development Starter Kit

Course by zooboole,

Last Updated on 2022-10-08 03:55:32

What about web development

Web development is the profession and the discipline of creating websites.

In the previous section we saw what a website is both at the client and the server sides. Specifically at the server side, a website is a set of files making up a set/bundle of information. And I precised that those files are encoded using a special coding language called HTML. The final user will access the bundle of information page by page, which pages are called web pages.

How the user will interact with the final result at the user side is defined by the goals for creating the website and the capabilities of the programmer. So, when creating websites, we spend a lot of time creating those files, planning the content to show to the users who will visit the site, and making sure we place it in a specific web server so that other people can also see it. This entire activity is what we call web development. It is a way of saying website creation. The word "creation" is replaced by the word "development". And any person who does such work is called web developer/creator.

Through this definition we can notice three main activities that web developers always perform:

1- Creation of files that make up the website. I explain this work intoto here

2- Make and organize the information(called content) that is convayed through the website

3- Then, place the website in a web server to serve it to the world, an activity called web hosting

For the rest of this book we will talk more about the activity of creating those files —web development. And for the rest of your career as a web developer, you will be doing more of the first point, and more often the second one, and once in a while the third one.

In the meantime, let's have a deeper look at what web development is and how it relates to software development. Besides, I underlined the word "programmer" above; how is that supposed to help us in this quest?