Simple Login script with PHP
in this tutorial I will show how to create a login script using PHP and MYSQL. The local server used in this tutorial is XAMPP.
PHP Frameworking - Composer & Controllers (Part 3)
Learn how to autoload the professional way, and how to use controller instead of closures in lancecourse router.
Create your first Desktop Application with PHP and PHP Desktop
Basically any PHP programmer would have liked to create any desktop application. Create an executable (`.exe`) application that he can easily share or sent to his client(s). Any client can simply install the application following an installation wizard without any struggle or any need of the programmer
Start with Frontend Frameworks
In the world of web design, a framework is defined as a package made up of a structure of files and folders of code (HTML, CSS, JS documents etc.) which can be used to support the development of websites, as a basis to start building a site.Most websites share a very similar structure. The aim of frameworks is to provide a common structure so that developers don’t have to redo it from scratch and can reuse the code provided. In this way, frameworks allow us to cut out much of the work and save a lot of time.
Create a simple news site with PHP and MySQL using PDO
This tutorial is an update of the existing tutorial on how to create a very simple news site using php and mysql. The aim of this tutorial is to help you understand some basic concepts when using php and mysql. It's also a way for beginner to learn how to put together a full project using dynamic programming concepts and databases.
PHP Frameworking - Routing & Autoloading & Configuration (Part 2)
Respond to different URLs & care less about require statements
PHP Frameworking - Introduction (Part 1)
Learn how to build & maintain websites with ease
Create simple php variables with extract() function
Here I will be showing you how you can make the use of your arrays in an easy way.
Understand Classes, Instances, attributes, methods and Objects, in Object Oriented Programming
In this tutorial I will be explaining to you what classes, instances and objects are when it comes to oriented object programming. I assume that the understanding of these terminologies will be a very important advantage for those who are having problems of getting the OOP very well.
Bad page redirection or Wrong page redirection with WampServer 2.5
Manage the problem of bad page redirection with WampServer 2.5